Instead of making another proper meal recipe I decided to try something a little different today. Not the healthiest way to have your veg but the good intention is there ;) Served with a creamy greek yogurt and tahini dip, these vegetable tempura bites are great to have as a snack or on the side of one of your meals.
-all purpose flour
-baking powder
-corn flour
-cold water
-chilli flakes
for the dip:
-greek yogurt
-lemon juice
I started by making the very simple dip by mixing 2tbsp of greek yogurt, 1tsp of tahini and 2tsp of lemon juice.
You can really use any vegetable you like but I went for these four just because they are some of my favourite and I think they work the best in this case. So start by washing and chopping the veg to your desirable shape and then move on to making the batter. In a big bowl mix, all purpose flour, corn flour, baking powder, pinch of salt and finally some pepper and a few chilli flakes and then add some cold water.
All you've got to do now is dip the veg in the batter and then fry them until golden brown. It's best to have them when they're warm and still very crispy.